I’m the Cycling Certified Cicerone
My name is Andrew Bieber and I’m a Certified Cicerone that loves biking. I have found that bikes are a great way to expand the size of your neighborhood, and in a city like Seattle, making your neighborhood just a mile longer could mean adding half a dozen breweries to your drinking repertoire, plus is doesn’t hurt that putting in a couple of miles on the bike counteracts the couple of beers I just put down. By choice, I own no car. Why would I ever do such a thing? Keep green for the environment, work on these sick leg muscles, burn off beers, breathe the glorious Seattle air, and breeze past angry motorists stuck in traffic all with one wondrous machine. It’s a mystery to me why more folks don’t do the same. Even more, it leaves more room in the budget for craft beer.
What seems like forever ago now, I left my corporate job to embrace the things I love doing to see if could make a living out of it. That means mainly drinking beers and riding bikes. That lead to seeking out and creating the best bike and brew routes in Seattle. You may recognize me from classic group rides like Tour De Pints or Beer With The Brewers. Nothing is more fun than gathering a gang of riders and pounding The Burke, a local bike path that connects over a dozen breweries. Drinking beers and holding a microphone is also a lot of fun, so that led, in part, to the creation of the Washington Beer Talk Podcast. The beer world is pretty small once you finally dive into it, and it has been tremendous fun trying to tease apart all the intricacies of the beer ‘biz. On the podcast, we chat with brewers about tough business decisions which makes it a great listen if you are thinking of running a brewery of your own. Of course, we talk beer and get the in-depth history of the brewery and the people who make it possible as well. It’s a kind of probe into the soul of a brewery you are unlikely to get even after years of drinking at a place. If you run a brewery and want dozens of riders to come by and drink a beer, would like to be connected to the hundreds of PNW based podcast listeners of Washington Beer Talk, or perhaps you like the idea of a custom brewery podcast like the folks over at Dirty Couch Brewery, shoot me an email at Andrew@CyclingCicerone.com and we can chat.