Beer Bloggers Conference 2018

Just when you were starting to think "I wonder if that guy is actually making a career out of blogging about beer," here comes the Beer Bloggers Conference. There are literally dozens of us! And this year in August we are all gathering somewhere near D.C. to talk about beer among those that talk about beer professionally. 

This is a conference for people who blog about beer, maintain their own brewery's internet presence, social media influencers and anyone who publishes anything about beer. Every year for the past ten, like minded beer evangelists get together to attend talks and share knowledge about this very specific duty. If you're thinking "the growth of the beer industry sure has been insane, but is there really so much room for bloggers and writers that they get their own conference?" then I say to you, hope in my soul and twinkle in my eyes, "there better be."

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Someone has to represent the bikes in all this. 

Join me at the Beer Bloggers and Writers Conference 2018 in Loudoun County, VA.