Intrigue Opens Up Shop

Intrigue was started in March of 2015. Its founder, Andrew Bieber, is an avid Dungeons and Dragons player and homebrewer. It all began as soon as he realized that writing murder mysteries was basically the same as being a Dungeon Master. Combine that with the more obvious fact that homebrewed beer is delicious, and he had on only one option: to open a brewery that hosted murder mysteries. It seemed so simple; how had no one thought of this before?

The "brewery" half of Intrigue still is very much in the infant stage. Our beer is hand brewed and kegged in Fremont, WA and served only in the "brewpub", aka, Andrew's house. While the beer is not currently for sale, that won't be the case for long. Our weekend afternoon powered homebrew-scale 5-gallon system produces less than 20 gallons of beer each month, and it is always running out! To remedy this, we will be moving out of the basement and to a local warehouse south of Seattle where we will set up serious shop. While we don't sell our beer just yet, we do already sell mysteries.

Intrigue Mysteries are written by Andrew Bieber and illustrated by various aspiring artists who receive a cut of the sales. Props, character portraits, and other custom art pieces are commissioned for each mystery. Intrigue Mysteries are shamelessly inspired by nerd culture. You won't find your typical Wild West Whodunits and Masquerade Massacres here. Instead, you'll get Roddenberry inspired suspense in Sabotage Adrift, Lovecraft levels of horror in The Id of Moonsoak Lagoon, and other fantasy inspired settings in future mysteries.

Sabotage Adrift - illustrated by Eric Hornby

Intrigue logo - created by Cory Kocurek

Want to create art for the next Intrigue Mystery or brew? Contact us!

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