Intrigue Brewing's New Years Resolutions
I know it's a little late for New Years Resolutions, but here it goes anyway.
If you are a long time fan of Intrigue Brewing (a long time, is that even possible!? Yeah, we've been around half a year now) then you have had a chance to possibly play in a mystery or a two and drink over (wait for it) 10 different brews. I know what you're thinking, "SO MANY! Wow, how does he ever find the time to do all that?!" Yeah yeah, that's not really that many, and guess what? We know. You may have noticed an increase in activity, mainly blog posts about upcoming murder mysteries, but really not much else. We're about to change that with some brand new Intrigue Brewing New Years Resolutions. New beers and new mysteries en masse. Hard and fast numbers of what you can expect from Intrigue for the next year.
- By June 30th, Intrigue will have brewed more that 60 gallons of beer. That's a new 5 gallon brew every 2 weeks. Doesn't sound like much? By the end of December, Intrigue will produce another 120 on a new fancy half barrel system that will come into operation sometime halfway through the year. This will obviously include abundant brew parties, because what am I supposed to do with all that beer?
- By December, Intrigue will have 6 new mysteries. That's a month to write and host a party (you're welcome), and another month to edit each Mystery and put it on the site. Get ready for some serious solving.
- A new blog post each week, every Wednesday.
All of these mysteries sound like so much fun (don't everyone agree at once), but if there are so many teasers getting written, then why are there so few actual mysteries available? We're gonna change all that. 2016 is the year of high gear.
Telling someone your goals and quantifying them with numbers helps you to accomplish them. Anyone else have New Years Resolutions? Especially beer related ones.