The Twins Hiddler and Hooder, Boarhewer, and Hallhewer
Time for the last set of characters! Now that these last four folks exist, it will be time to bring the mystery together. How will these characters interact, what do they know, who dies? Some of that will be up to you as the players, but most of it is up to me, and believe me, that is no easy task. Each of the last two mysteries, Sabotage Adrift and Murder at Intrigue Brewing, both took me about a year to write. I'm hoping to bring this story to completion by the end of June at the latest and already that is months behind schedule. Technically I started this mystery in March. Already April is just ending, and there is still so much more work to do.
Quick sidebar before we get into our last four characters, Intrigue Brewing has some fun news! I am now officially a Certified Cicerone, which means I am qualified to tell you anything about beer from how to brew it, it's history, how to serve it, how to ship it, and most importantly how to drink it. Now I just need to find a worthy shirt to sew the patch they gave me on. We also finished building our brewery keggerator, so we can now serve up to 4 different brews at once. One day I'll post a step by step of how I built it. It's surprisingly simple but also surprisingly expensive. Lastly, our trademark has been finalized with an official government stamp and seal of approval! This process seems like it took forever. I think I originally applied for the trademark in July of last year. Finally, it's here. It's a very exciting time!
Four different taps and four different tap handles. Working on stepping up the legitimacy later.
The official cicerone certificate, patch, and pin. The pin is going straight on to my Oktoberfest hat.
On to the show.
Boarhewer. A giant of a man. A butcher by trade and by nature. Once the Viking king's most valuable soldier, he slew more men than care be counted by wielding his giant cleaver. When not at war, he has a penchant for violence. You can take the man out of battle, but you can't take the battle out of the man. The King, seeking to keep his village safe without dishonoring this unstoppable behemoth, made him the King's personal butcher where he chops away his days in complete contentment as long as the boar doesn't run out. He is reckless, impulsive, and cares little for the worries of others. So long as he is chopping something, he is happy. For the celebration today, he has been chopping faster than ever. Someone taking a break from the revelry might notice the boar supply dwindling. His favorite drink is light lager.
Hallhewer. No relation to the other Hewers, it's simply a common viking surname. At least he village and the King hope there is no relation. Hallhewer is so named because it is what he does - he hews halls. And not in the good definition. His reputation for tearing whole towns asunder is impossible not to know, and tonight he is the King's unwelcome guest. After roaming into town this night, the entire village is on edge. Hopefully he can be kept content with mead and meat, because if he chooses to hew this hall, then no one will be having a good time. King Sven and his guard are keeping him at arms reach while trying not to provoke the barbarian into a wild rage. He wields two colossal axes with ease, each one bigger than a man. He is powerful, stubborn, and basically unstoppable. His favorite drink is straight whiskey.
Hiddler is the fun one. The youngest of the pair of nearly identical twins, the sibling of Hooder. A wild child. Lover of adventure. Hiddler is skilled with a throwing axe, just like her brother, though perhaps a slightly better toss. She also looks just like him if you aren't paying close enough attention. She'd rather be out in the woods pestering the local large wildlife - she like to throw rocks at bears then run away for the thrills. She's never been caught before. Since she's part of the king's guard though, it is required that she be here, watching and keeping the king and queen safe. She's always itching for a little action and gets restless when nothing is happening. She's been known to provoke people just to see what she can get away with. She's charming and annoying at the same time, cheerful, and wild. Her favorite drink is Spruce Spiced Ale.
Hooder is the grave one. The elder of his twin sister, Hiddler. He is grim at all times, taking his duties as the King's guard very seriously. Tasked with the solemn job of replacing his father as the man of his house at a young age, the world appears to weigh him down heavily. While his sister is reckless, he thinks his every action through to the very end, analyzing every possible outcome. This usually leads to him making very smart decisions, though sometimes it results in an inability to take action. When he is not at the King's side or at home taking care of his aging mother, he is practicing with his throwing axes. Though he can bullseye a swamp rat at sixty feet, he's not quite as good as his sister. He strives for perfection in all things, but let's his duties take priority. He's somber, serious, and slow to show emotion, though quick to feel it. His favorite drink is water.
There you have it! Enjoyed reading this? Please comment, like or share!