Memoir - The Possie Podcast: Nine Block Stories E1

Dear Family and Friends,

I’m sorry this took so long. This was recorded at Christmas of 2018. The first episode of the Possie Podcast. Just listening to Possie’s voice while making this was a soothing, comfortable experience. Her story telling is focused and well performed and she is a warm and charming human being. In this first episode, part 1 of many, we chat mostly about the house in Houston that she just left behind and a couple of fun stories that we had to get in, mainly, WTH is a “Possie???”

This episode was a gift from Terri Bieber to Claire Payne, AKA, Possie. If you have a family member or a friend that you think ought to have a memoir like this, contact me at and we can make it happen. Want to get this episode imprinted on vinyl, cassette, or CD? We can do that.

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